Active members sign up in advance to go with Side by Side's vocational specialist to volunteer with Lion's Lighthouse. Afterward, we all grab lunch together!
Many Fridays, a group of Side by Side members who have signed up in advance volunteer at FODAC's thrift store. If you are interested or have questions talk to Judy.
Active members are invited to close down the workday and hang out with their fellow members. Each month, a different sponsor makes it their own. They bring different food, volunteers and games for us to play. Sign up in advance! If you are interested in sponsoring a future gamenight, contact Julie at
Many Fridays, a group of Side by Side members who have signed up in advance volunteer at FODAC's thrift store. If you are interested or have questions talk to Judy.
Many Fridays, a group of Side by Side members - who have signed up in advance - volunteer at FODAC's thrift store. If you are interested or have questions talk to Judy.