Memories of My Life

Me llamo Manuel.  Tuve un accidente de trabajo y estuve diez dias en coma. Ingrese  a Shepherd Center y despues a Shepherd Pathways y de ultimo estoy en Side By Side donde e aprendido algunas cosas  y ya me he recuperado muhco de mis lesions.  Entre las cosas que me gustan esta sembrar flores y algunas verduras.  Me gusta dedicarles tiempo a las plantas en espesial a las flores

My name is Manuel.  I had an accident at work and I was in the hospital for 10 days in a coma.  I then went to Shepherd Center and then to Shepherd Pathways.  Ultimately I came to Side by Side where I have learned a few things and I have learned a lot of my lessons.  Among the things that I like is planting flowers and some vegetables.  I like to dedicate time to plants, especially flowers.