BIANJ Neurofatigue Webinar

Side by Side staff are always refreshing their knowledge in order to better support our members with brain injuries. We recently attended a webinar hosted by the Brain Injury Association of New Jersey (BIANJ), which we often recommend as a valuable resource. Last week, staff and members decided to watch it together – we wanted to share!

This particular webinar was called, “Neurofatigue: The Tired Brain and How to Manage It.” The presenter was Erin Fults, Psy.D.. She is a clinical psychologist specializing in neuropsychology and rehabilitation. She had some concrete suggestions to allow people with brain injuries to manage the symptoms of neurofatigue – which is very common after a brain injury.

Woman In Supermarket, Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels
Erin Fults, Psy.D. says that grocery stores are one of the places her patients frequently report as being exhausting. She says it makes sense because of bright lights, loud sounds and crowds – all can be overstimulating.

A Framework for Managing Neurofatigue:

Awareness: Enhancing your awareness of triggers and symptoms
Acquisition: Learning strategies that help
Application: Using strategies to change your behavior and manage fatigue
Self-Monitoring: Notice how you feel

(For more details on these four, check out the full webinar below)

Dr. Fults also mentioned during her talk that “Zoom Exhaustion” is a form of neurofatigue that most folks are feeling these days. So, we found a blog on Psychology Today that has “some “cheats” to help you beat Zoom fatigue before it beats you.” Click here to 5 things you can do to make working from home easier>>

A woman on a Zoom meeting


  1. Diane Allen on December 9, 2020 at 4:09 pm

    Thank you – my daughter has significant fatigue since her last hemorrhage 15 years ago. She cannot work full time